Youth Leadership Programs

Sept-June | 10 to 17 (co-ed) | Whistler, Manning Park, Tofino, Victoria, Howe Sound, Sechelt Inlet 
As a Duke of Edinburgh's Certified Trained Activity Provider, we have crafted an opportunity for learners to complete their Adventurous Journey and progress toward their skill & physical recreation requirements!

July, 2024 | Ages: 13–18 (co-ed) | Vancouver, Whistler, Sechelt, Whitehorse, Fort Selkirk, Dawson City
Explore British Columbia’s beautiful West Coast before embarking on an incredible 700km Canoe trip down the Yukon River. Wilderness immersion, consultation with Indigenous knowledge keepers, and our innovative World Bound Climate Change Curriculum combine to deepen your relationship with yourself, your family, and the world.

August 1–21, 2024 | Ages: 15 - 18 (co-ed) | Venice, Parco delle Dolomiti D'Ampezzo - Cortina, Parco regionale del fiume Sile, Parco Nazionale Dolomiti Bellunesi, Venezia e la sua Laguna (Venice’s North Lagoon), The River Piave , Treviso
Embark upon a breathtaking adventure in the Alps and the Dolomites. Explore a stunning yet peaceful region with pristine lakes and quaint little farms scattered among towering mountain peaks. Challenge yourself and your group to produce less than 50% of the average traveller’s carbon footprint while camping, sleeping in huts, and working with shepherds.

June 30–July 21, 2024 | Ages: 13–18 (co-ed) | Tokyo, Osaka, Mount Fuji, Nara, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Kobuchizawa, Yamanashi
This Japan adventure is a one-of-a-kind youth leadership course that infuses cutting-edge climate change education with Japanese cuisine and culture, world-renowned historical landmarks, technological innovation, and – most importantly – the people of Japan.

Summer 2025 | Ages: 14–18 (co-ed) | Quito, Otavalo, Cuicocha, Cochasqui, Cayambe, Cotopaxi, Napa River region
Although Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in South America, it is also the country with the biggest heart. This World Bound location offers the  greatest natural wonders for young people to explore and discover which makes it a “must visit” destination for fun and adventure. In Ecuador, youth can explore critically important rainforests, cross the dramatic slopes of the Andes, visit Indigenous communities, and paddle the waterways that feed the Amazon River, all in a relatively short time.  

Junior: July 12–July 21 & August 9 - August 18, 2024; Advanced: July 19–July 28 | Ages: 11-13 (junior); 13 - 17 (senior) | Whitehorse, Yukon River
Your opportunity to become more self-directed, build healthy peer relationships, gain outdoor leadership skills, and gain new perspectives on current events in your community and world…all within the incredible scenery of Canada’s wild North during an unforgettable two-week canoe journey on the Yukon River.

7–10 day options between December 28, 2023 and March 30, 2024 | Ages: 13–17 | Whitehorse, Dawson City, Kluane National Park
Make the bold choice this spring break and explore the frozen paradise of the Yukon. Between dogsledding, skiing, snowshoeing, and snowball fights with newfound friends, there’s no chance you’ll wish you were anywhere else.

July 2024 (view page for dates) | Ages: 11–13; 13–16 | Sechelt Inlet
Your gateway to BC’s West Coast, where explorers become leaders. Become more self-directed, build positive peer relationships, hone outdoor leadership skills, and understand current events in your community and world…all with the incredible backdrop of the Sunshine Coast.