Home > Youth Leadership Programs > BC-Yukon "Double Header" Paddle w/ Barnsy (16-day)

Barnsy's BC-Yukon "Double Header"

Sixteen days. Two regions. One swashbuckling canoe adventure!!

This one is for the hardcore Fireside kids and awesome teens who want to jump in head first. Barnsy got tired of there not being enough rock and roll in our canoe trips, so he decided to combine the two classic trips: BC Explorer and Yukon Explorer into one mega-adventure. Start in BC’s beautiful Sechelt Inlet to hone your canoeing, camping, cooking, leadership, sense of humour and one-liner skills. Then you’ll be ready to fly all the way up to Whitehorse - same adventure, same team, same canoe… and tackle the Teslin River.

Itinerary and Trip Details
Packing List

Trip date: July 6–21
July 6–12:
Building our canoe camping skills in Sechelt BC
July 12–21: Fly to Yukon and paddle 370km downriver

Sechelt Inlet, Porpoise Bay Provincial Park, Whitehorse, Yukon River

13–17 (co-ed)

$3299.00 + GST

PROMO CODE available!
For select Duke of Edinburgh’s Award participants
Click here to contact us and learn more

Includes: Return flight (Vancouver–Whitehorse), meals, group camping gear (incl. tents), pre-trip check-in

More info: office@firesideadventures.ca


Don’t miss this stuff

  • Explore the ruins: travel back through time and explore the ruins of dozens of mining camps, settlements, and shipwrecks from the legendary Klondike gold rush.

  • Where navigation gets real: Use a beautiful hand-drawn map that details everything from log jams to old forest fire burns - this is such a cool way to learn how to read a map and landscape.

  • Choose your own adventure: we have the freedom to camp virtually anywhere along the river. Feel the satisfaction of choosing a great spot while you cook over the campfire with your new friends

  • Yep - we’re doing a solo experience! You’ll be supervised by your guides, but you will experience 24 hours of solitude - just the sound of the wind in the trees and the river in the reeds.

  • Wildlife: watch wide-eyed as your canoe silently glides past an enormous moose, or perhaps lock eyes with a solitary eagle on the hunt. In the Yukon, there are more moose than people. A lot more.

  • Learn the Barnsy way of life, including having a sense of humour, having strange hair while also being street smart, playing the harmonica poorly, being a good sport and keeping it real (200-level).


True leadership skills are born in the Canadian wilderness

  • Outdoor Leadership Training: guided by our Fireside Pillars, define what leadership means to you and hold yourself accountable. When you’re ready, your instructors and peers will vote for you to receive the traditional Fireside Adventures leadership bracelet.

  • Expedition Skills: Challenge yourself with a canoe expedition style of adventuring, including canoe manoeuvres, risk management, and wildlife safety. These experiences develop universal life skills like perseverance and problem-solving, not to mention a love for nature. When you learn ‘em in the great Canadian North, you won’t forget!

  • Social-emotional learning & resilience: Spending time in nature brings challenges but also opportunities for peace, reflection, and connection. This is the unbroken space and time you need to foster relationships, trust, and personal transformation through a mix of one-on-one mentorship, daily video/audio journaling, and group dialogues.

  • Increase self-knowledge: Over the course of two weeks, clarify your personal values, strengthen your decision-making skills, and learn how to set and achieve short-term and long-term goals.

  • Express yourself: There’s something about the Yukon landscape that feels larger-than-life. It’s no surprise that it’s one of Canada’s brightest hubs for Indigenous culture and art and profoundly impacts all who spend time there. During our time in the Yukon, we will provide opportunities for you to practise visual art, storytelling, music, journaling and more.

  • Duke of Edinburgh’s award: earn your bronze, silver, or gold. Here’s how.

Grooving during a midnight sunset

Grooving during a midnight sunset…. it only gets this dark in August!

canoe rescue in shallow water

Expert guide Matt teaching the learners how to rescue a canoe.

Stories from the river

Barnsy (bald version), Yukon Explorer 2022


Click image above for full size.

“One night at Carmacks, I was showing a few campers how to take long-exposure night photos - it was late August so the sky was dark. Then one of the campers started yelling for me to come quickly. I ran over - not sure what was the matter - and to my surprise, he had captured a photo of the Aurora. We couldn’t see it with the naked eye - but the camera could capture it on 1/30th exposure. Then, before our eyes, the Aurora started shining brightly and dancing above us. That photo is framed on my wall - and theirs.”

Dani Mikolela, Yukon Explorer 2021

Dani climbing tree

“Yukon Explorer was my first experience with Fireside as a camper. I completed my solo experience while challenging myself to fast and build my own shelter. Since then I’ve become a Junior staff… Fireside has helped me with my social skills and my connection with nature. As an instructor, I have helped Barnsy develop his parkour program over the past two years.”


Learn more about the team


Watch and get excited!

This is a video that Barnsy took while on expedition on the Yukon River in 2021!


It's a Life-Changing Experience